
               Necrovales are mysterious, unplottable areas found all over Kairador. They are the source of all ambiance, which radiates from each location freely. For this reason, most major cities were built near necrovales, often in-between several, so that their denizens could utilize the greatest concentrations of ambiance to perform rituals. 

               However, this practice may now prove to be the downfall of these settlements. Necrovales are also the source of all monsters that threaten humanity. They used to only emerge from their homes on occasion, but ever since the Heroes disappeared, the necrovales have become overpopulated. Many monsters have been forced out into the open, where they attack human settlements or worse, reproduce outside of the necrovales. 

               Due to their ferocious inhabitants, necrovales are impossible to traverse for normal people without a heavy escort, and children are taught to never even enter their borders, lest they be eaten. However, Heroes used to frequent these locations to test their strength against dangerous monsters and find artifacts (see magic systems) which are much more common inside necrovales. Even with their significant power, Heroes still often die within their borders. 

              Monsters aren’t the only thing that make necrovales dangerous. The terrain is often challenging in some way, the weather is unpredictable, and they all have unique physical characteristics. Necrovales are all ranked on a scale of 1 through 3. The higher the rank, the more ambiance the area produces and the more dangerous it is.

               Use the graphics below to learn about each darkhold on the Alaya and Nasarali continents, as well as the Bon Hajila Archipelago.